User review
Jennifer Griffin
App is described. The ads are not intrusive, I just know to mute the volume because they typically are loud but often can be skipped or aren't long. I think I did actually start playing a game that I saw in an ad. Since the app is as described, which is rare with apps, I have no problem with the loud ads and wouldn't be opposed to paying a one-time fee just to support it.
Probably the most convenient app out there for calculating tip. I installed this so that I wouldn't have to struggle to figure out tip when It came time to pay for the bill. The best part is that they actually listened to one of the reviews I saw where they included the "round up, round down" feature to fulfill the whole number request. The ads are also non intrusive so they don't get in the way like pop up ads do.
Alex Pineiro
A very self intuitive app that is practically zero effort to use and very convenient for those times you have to calculate mixed party table bolling or simply dont feel like calculating your tip or no pen/pencil is available and your math skills are rusty. Very cool, very useful. Whip it (out) and tip it tool.
melissa wertz
Most people don't realize that Food Servers and Bartenders in the United States of America make well under $3.00 an hour!!! Yes we get tips, but they rarely reflect the total of a bill. Often we get Nothing!!! PLEASE USE THIS APP!!! To help you recognizing the people who are serving you a meal, or a drink, or parking your car!. Ect... A fair and decent amount. This is how we pay our bills, put food on our tables, feed our children! Thank You !
Jerome Wilson
Easy to use. SCREEN LARGE ENOUGH TO SEE EVEN IN LOW DINING LIGHT..I also like/enjoy the easy slide percentage bar to select tip amoint you wish to apply. Fast & Simple..Just wish there were an easier way to share the site with friends, you can't copy & paste to send to others to use...
A Google user
I was never quick in math and it's a bit embarrassing when I'm at a salon and trying to figure out a tip amount. This app is really handy and I dont keep my stylist waiting but better yet, I dont screw up and under tip her! Gotta keep her happy as it took me 11 years to find her!😁
A Google user
This is a easy fantastic App. Bonus points to me: Ease of use and breakdowns. Groups of numbers can be divided. say there are 5 people and you want take total can break not only price with tip and how much each pays.. the slider works very easily..
LouAnn Nichols-Link
Just makes life easier. After enjoying a meal, when the server is exceptional we give a really good tip. If not, the minimum... Nice not to have to try to figure out what to leave in my head. I suck in math! LOL
Scott Sobleskey
Love having this when we go out to eat! Sometimes I'm in middle of coversation when paying bill, this app makes it effortless to pay tip w/out having to put much thought into it or refrains from accidentally writing wrong total because your math was wrong. Easy peasy!
Penny Wilson
It's easy and accurate. You can look up any percentage. You can split. Love this tip calculator.
Food & DrinkVersion
tip | calculator | expensesRate
Skol Games LLCContent Rating
EveryoneTip Calculator splits the bill fast, great for dining and drinks with friends!